

English language has been widelyy used all over the world .In India it has been used both for internal and external purpose.So, it has even become the second language and it has gained popularity, among the people in all the fields. So the students who have leant English as a main subject in their degree have got job opportunity in the areas like teaching, Media, and Marketing.
Department of English (as major subject) was started at Alagappa Government Arts College Karaikudi in 1998 with an under graduate programme; B.A Vocational English. The Department has established itself as P. G. Department in the year 2005 by introducing M. A. English. Considering the potentiality of the Department, Alagappa University offered Research Centre status in July 2011 to elevate the department as P.G. Department and Research Centre in English. At present, there are 10 well qualified and richly experienced regular staff members and 3 Guest faculty members. Among these members 6 faculty members possess Ph. D and 4 are in pursuit of it. The present strength of students in Undergraduate course is 150 and that of Postgraduate course is 40. Eight research scholars are pursuing their Ph. D as full time scholars in the Department and 15 as part time scholars. Our department library has a collection of 3000 books related to literature as well as curriculum related books. Our department also possesses a language laboratory equipped with Multimedia Projector, Computers with broadband connectivity and language software and CDs. Our students use this lab to improve their communication skills and to access to online resources related to the subject. Various literary activities are conducted in our literary association named ODYSSEY in order to entertain and enlighten our students on classical values and current development of literature. Our department has been conducting remedial classes for under privileged weaker section and socially backward classes. Coaching classes for UGC NET/SET exams in the campus are being conducted.