
Permanent Faculty Member

Mr. S. Suriaganth  M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed
Assistant Professor and Head
suriaganth74@gmail.com      +91 97895 31541
Research Area:Foreign Trade of India
Profile :

Annamalai University Deputed Faculty Member

Dr. R. Hariharan  M.A(Eco)., M.A (Rural Devt.)., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
hariharan@agacollege.in      +91 88277 42774
Research Area:Ageing, Migration, Nutrition and Health
Profile :

Temporary Faculty Members

Dr. M. Thiruneelakandan  M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
Guest Lecturer
thiruneel11@gmail.com      +91 95780 73702
Research Area:Rural Development
Profile :

Dr. M. Nithyakalyani  M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D
Guest Lecturer
nithyakalyani1977@gmail.com      +91 93617 82003
Research Area:Environmental Economics
Profile :

Mrs. V. Karthigai Malar  M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.,
Guest Lecturer (PTA)
pkammu92@gamil.com      +91 82704 10221
Research Area:Agriculture, Women Empowerment.
Profile :

Mrs. K. Uma Porkodi  M.A., M.Phil.,
Guest Lecturer (PTA)
umaporkodik@gmail.com      +91 89256 63387
Research Area:Agricultural Economics
Profile :