

Computer Science program meets the global needs of industrial world. With this aim, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programs was offered in 1998 with the sanctioned strength of 40. Two Shifts of computer science programme was undergone. This Program attract bright students throughout country for quality education at under-graduate level. This program is designed to produce IT professionals with latest technical and professional skills to meet the requirements of the industry. The systematic study of feasibility structure, and mechanization of the algorithms that underlie the representation, processing, storage, communications and access to information. In the present scenario computer science in science, engineering and technology develops the nation in all the fields.
The PG Course in Computer Science is the pioneer in computer science courses, being started in the year 2005 with the sanctioned strength of 15. The post-graduate education that prepares students to enter the profession with a base for continued study and growth. It also equips students with skills and provides them with experiences necessary to be able to work successfully in the present sophisticated computing environment. It helps students to become responsible Computer professionals with strong moral values.
The Department is equipped with a well-furnished computer laboratory and a Department Library furnished with the latest books on Computer Science. The Audio Visual room with excellent seating arrangement and LCD projector facilities is fully put to use by the Department. The faculty has some of the best talents drawn from academics professionals who spare no effort in catering to every scholastic need of the students. Faculty members act as mentors, guiding students during the courses to help them develop the necessary technical skills and attitudes required to become successful person in the IT industry. They are also involved in research activities in various fields like Networking, Data Structures, Software Engineering, Compiler design, Neural Network, Fuzzy systems and digital image processing. Department organizes Parent Teachers Meeting every semester after the results were published, in order to improve the academic activities in the department.