More than 1800 books are available covering all advanced sub -diciplines of botany
Garden spread on 1.5 acre separately adjacent to the Botany department with separate irrigation facility established by The Great Philanthropist Padmapushan Dr. Alagappa Chettiar when he started the Institute during the year 1947.
Laboratory Space
Two separate research laboratory (300 and 500 sq. feet) with A/C with following scientific Instruments.
- Equipments
- Mini-Lyophilizer
- Cooling centrifuge-2
- Deep freezer -800 C , Refrigerator etc.,
- Fermentor 7 liter volume in situ model
- Rotary evaporator with chiller
- UV/Vis double beam Spectrophotometer
- Flame Photometer
- Autoclave with different models
- Hot air oven, Incubators, Water bath with temperature regulator
- Electrophoresis apparatus
- Pocket pH meters
- Electric conductivity meter (EC)
- Monopan balances (0.01 mg sensitive)
- Glass distillation units
- Ultrascope for microphotography
- Microscopes
- Water, Electricity , Online UPS 2 KVA
- Laboratory space and furniture
- Computational and Telecommunication facilities
- Library, Administrative and secretarial support.
- LCD Projectors